latina_cinefila wrote in twowrldscollide Mar 29, 2010 12:39
female: bonnie wright, stock: various, tv: the simpsons, male: ben barnes, female: audrey hepburn, movie: up, band: arctic monkeys, !maker: latina_cinefila, female: anna popplewell, male: daniel radcliffe, male: tom felton, %type: icons, female: demi lovato, male: rupert grint, %type: banners
ur_attention wrote in twowrldscollide Sep 12, 2009 03:19
band: the all-american rejects, !maker: ur_attention, female: kristen stewart, female: kristen bell, tv show: chuck, band: arctic monkeys, tv show: lost, movie: virgins suicide, %type: icons, movie: (500) days of summer, %type: banners